BBButternut Squash Ravioli with Kale and Sausage-The kale? Well, who doesn't love kale?

This recipe is semi-homemade, but is SO easy, hearty, "fall-ish",'s quickly become a favorite at my home. The sausage adds even more robust flavor and helps to balance out the sweetness of the squash.  The kale? Well, who doesn't love kale? It adds a splash of green to an otherwise orange and brown dish. I always feel our food should be pretty; round out that color wheel with garnishes and accompaniments even if its just some flat leaf parsley or a piece of beautiful lettuce!

If you are a vegetarian, this dish is just as good sans-meat.

Recipe & Ingredients:  (Boil a large pot of water with a little olive oil, no salt needed.)

Once boiling gently, add 1-8 oz package of frozen butternut squash ravioli. Any brand will do. I've used them all.  Add them 2-3 at a time vs. dumping the whole package in. This will prevent clumping and also allow your water to stay at a higher temp (not losing your boil! :))  Start the rest of the recipe while you are waiting for the water to boil.  Once the ravioli float to the top, the are ready to be scooped out into their second home: the sauce.

 NOTE: You can also use fresh ravioli. They will just take less time to float.

Sauté over medium high heat in a non-stick or cast iron skillet with some depth to later accompany the ravioli and sauce:

1-2 tsp olive oil
1/2 lb New Seasons Sage Pork Breakfast Sausage  (The sage is already mixed in with seasonings and it is quite nice. If not, you can just purchase some ground pork and add garlic powder and chopped fresh sage)
Once the meat is browned and in small bits,
Add 1-2 cups chopped dinosaur kale. I prefer long skinny strips here for contrast with the square ravioli and the round bits of sausage. 1 cup is about 2 leaves chopped up. You can add more or less depending on your tastes. 
Sauté only until slightly wilted. You want to preserve that green at all cost. It will only take a few minutes.
Add chili flake again to your taste. You don't want it spicy, but a pinch will dissolve mostly and provide another depth of flavor.
A couple grinds of black pepper. Don't salt! All the ingredients have plenty of sodium!

Reduce the heat to medium low and add a jar of Dave's Gourmet Butternut Squash Pasta Sauce.
*See below:

Ok, so I will follow this sauce to the ends of the Earth. You can use                another brand or even pumpkin sauce, too. But Dave's...I simply love because it's balanced in both acidity and viscosity. It's light without sacrificing flavor.  Cheapest place I've seen this month is Cost Plus World Market. I also saw it at Target this week. In the past, I've purchased at Costco (by the cases!) and Market of Choice.

You could also make your own sauce from pureed butternut squash and the pasta water, but this one is seriously worth a try. You can yell at me if you hate it, but you won't so I'm safe!

Mix everything together in the pan and add the floating ravioli to the sauce mixture. Adding some of the pasta water to thin out the sauce is also helpful to get the consistency you want. Simmer for just a few minutes all together and serve piping hot with some finely grated Parm and a couple sage leaves.

Bon ap·pé·tit from BB Bistro!
